Product registration

(*) Mandatory information



Receipt *







I acknowledge that my data and those of my company collected with this form are subject to computer or manual processing by us as defined by Article 4, No. 2, EU Reg No. 679/16 (GDPR), for purposes of technical support and technical information regarding the products and services you have acquired, after-sales assistance; verification of user satisfaction. The data in question are disclosed to the companies controlled and participated by us, in our sales network. The processing of such data is mandatory and essential for the proper management of after-sales assistance. The data controller is FGM Claymore, based in Waterloo Industrial Estate - Waterloo Road, Bidford on Avon, Warwickshire - B50 4JH - UK and you have the rights under art. 13, Reg UE n ° 679/16 (GDPR).

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